Galician filmmaker who has been active since 2002. His work is considered to be representative of Novo Cinema Galego. He holds a degree in art history and a degree in film direction from Centre d’Estudis Cinematogràfics (Catalonia, Spain). He has directed several short films and features, including fiction works and documentary pieces and has developed his career in the most diverse fields related to cinema.
Several of his writings about cinema have been published on Miradas de cine, Blogs & Docs, and Shangrila. He co-founded Novos Cinemas, the International Film Festival of Pontevedra, which he co-directed for five years (2015-2019). Since 2013, Santos also works as a film educator in collaboration with film literacy projects such as Cinema en Curs. He has delivered several film workshops at a number of universities, art centers, and film festivals, and he has tutored WIP projects at Málaga Film Festival, MECAS, and FIDBA (Buenos Aires). He has been part of international juries at festivals like FICX, Punto de Vista and FICUNAM.
From Amateurfilms, he promotes his own projects and those of filmmakers such as Pablo García Canga, Santos Díaz and Iván Castiñeiras. He is currently developing his third fiction feature film, Así llegó la noche (And So the Night Fell).